Building a Package
You'll need to organize your files into a folder. We refer to this as a package. Don't worry too much about how you name your files, as long as they have different names. The file names need to match the ones referenced in your metadata spreadsheet. Each package must have exactly one metadata file, along with any referenced audio and cover art files. If you want to organize your files by album, you can create sub-folders that only contain the audio and cover art files. Just remember to include the folder name in the spreadsheet as well so we can find it. Your metadata spreadsheet should stay in the main package folder.
Package Format 1

Package Format 2

**Product Artwork and Audio Files Name fields must include the folder name and / when organized this way
Product Artwork |
101231500505/101231500505_art.jpg |
Track audio file |
101231500505/101231500505_01.wav |
Accepted File Types
You can deliver your audio files to us in either FLAC or WAV format. We highly recommend using FLAC as it's much easier for us to work with.
FLAC or WAV files ONLY (FLAC Preferred)
2 Channel Audio
WAV must have valid fmt and data sub chunks
WAV files must contain nothing other than audio data after the beginning of the data sub chunk
16-bit or 24-bit 2-channel
44.1kHz or higher sample rate
Cover Art
You can deliver your audio files to us in either TIFF, PNG, or JPEG format. We highly recommend using TIFF as it's much easier for us to work with. TIFF files won't show up in your delivery preview. However, they're acceptable for delivery.
At least 640px width and height.
1:1 aspect ratio for cover art.
To guarantee ingestion, please encode all images with an sRGB color space with 24 bits per pixel and color profiles applied directly.
Embedded color profiles and orientation metadata aren't supported