Catalog View
The Catalog view enables you to check the most important metadata for your releases.
See your release metadata for all of your processed products. You can also check content availability, and see if there are any changes that you need to make to your release.
What does the Catalog view show me?
The release page contains information that we’ve received from your most recent delivery. You can see release and track metadata and confirm its availability. You can also see if there’s any flagged metadata that'll impact the behavior of your release.
Searching for your release
Search by Text such as artist name or release name, Album URI or a Release Identifier. All matching releases appear on the search results page. You can preview release territories and copy the Album URI directly from this page.

Checking Release Availability
The availability page lists a product’s scheduled release times by territory. If there’s a problem with any scheduling, the availability status will alert you to any issues.
You can filter the territory information by country code, country name, and region name.

Availability Status
The availability sent for this release is processing as expected.
If your release has a Delivered status but isn't showing live, check your deliveries follow our SLG.
Not Delivered
Your most recent delivery didn't include the Territories with a status of Not Delivered.
If this isn’t what you were expecting, check if the most recent delivery includes the correct availability and that there are no ingestion errors in Deliveries.
Available(!) or Unavailable(!)
We couldn’t set the availability sent in your most recent delivery and we need to review it.
Contact the Content Provider Operations team with the Album URI for us to review.
Track Details
The tracks tab shows more information about your tracks such as ISRC, duration, track number, and track contributors.

Artist Pages
Click on an artist name in Spotify for Music Providers to see their artist page. You can see all of the releases you’ve sent for this artist. You can also check if this is the correct artist page. If it’s not the right page, find your release in the Releases section and click on the three dots in the Actions column. Select Not this artist's release? to start a content relocation request.
Past deliveries and delivery XML
Check the Tracks section in the Release Details tab for track-related information. In the Past deliveries section you can see the batch ID and delivery type. You can also see the date delivered for past deliveries of this product and the delivery status. Expand a past delivery with the arrow icon on the left to check the delivery’s XML.

Flagged Metadata
We might flag a release we’ve received if the metadata doesn't meet our requirements.

Flagged Metadata in Spotify for Music Providers
Original Release Date
The original release date delivered didn't meet the requirements of our Metadata Style Guide (MSG). This date can differ from the sales start date. Differing dates won't stop your release from going live. Check section 20 of the MSG for more details.
Album Type
The album type delivered didn't meet our requirements outlined in the Metadata Style Guide (MSG). Metadata that includes the wrong album type won't stop your release from going live. Check section 9 of the MSG for more details.
We didn’t set the availability sent in your most recent delivery. We may need to review the release’s availability.
A problem with your release’s availability can stop it from going live. Contact the Content Provider Operations team with the Album URI to request a review.
Catalog exports feature
You can now extract customisable Catalog reports using this option under Catalog view.

Held in Review section
This section in the Catalog view of Spotify for Music Providers under “Held in review” allows you to act on or notify Spotify for products in review and require additional action.