Deliveries View
Deliveries shows you real-time information about your content.
Once your content is on our servers, you can see it's processing, when it’s ingested, and if there are any errors to fix.
What does Deliveries show me?
Deliveries is a table of results with one row for each product in each batch delivery. The Batch ID corresponds to the filename of the batch folder. The Primary Release ID is the filename for each product folder within the batch delivery.

Delivery Status
We’re checking the XML and product assets.
Checks are complete and you can see the product in Catalog View.
There are problems you need to fix.
Delivery details
Click a product row to see delivery details. View the status of asset encoding and error information.

Search in Deliveries View
Use a Primary Release ID and/or a Batch ID to search for products or releases in the Deliveries View.
A Primary Release ID is the primary identifier associated with a release or product. Usually a UPC or EAN, but it could be any value used to identify a release. Thai could be a GRID, Catalog Number or another unique proprietary ID. The Primary Release ID will only correspond to the product’s folder name within its delivery batch, so be aware other identifiers delivered for this release won’t be searchable.
A Batch ID is the identifier associated with a specific delivery batch folder, containing at least one product you’ve delivered to us. The identifier should derive from the date and time of its creation in the form of a timestamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn).
You can search multiple Primary Release IDs and/or Batch IDs in Deliveries by entering each value separated by a comma.
Using the Filters
Product Status
Needs attention
Select the Needs attention tab to show only products where there’s a problem with the latest delivery. This tab helps you prioritize your products that need urgent redelivery. You can’t filter by any other product status in this tab.
Check Reviewing and resolving errors for more information.
Select Failed to show all recorded errors for a product (this doesn’t consider successful redeliveries or fixes).
Check Reviewing and resolving errors for more information.
Select Processing to show all products that we’re processing. Products will show as processing as soon as your delivery is picked up from our server.
Select Ingested to show products that have successfully ingested into our CMS without any errors.
Date Range
You can limit your search results to various date ranges. The default date range is Last 28 days, but you can search for the Last 7 days, the Last 90 days, or set a Custom Date Range.
Reviewing your search results:
Deliveries shows your search results in a table. Each row shows a product. The columns of each row show information about that product including;
Feed name
Primary release ID
Batch ID
Product status
Date delivered - UTC
Last updated
You can expand each row to get more details about audio/image transcoding and ingestion. You can also see any errors, including errors for products at track level.
Download your results:
You can download your results table of up to 10,000 deliveries as a csv file.
The download button is an arrow pointing down in a circle which is to the right of the filters.
Reviewing and resolving errors
Use the arrow icon on the left of a product row to expand it for more error-related information. Errors are issues that prevent your content ingesting or transcoding.
XML errors:
Check the structure of a product delivery’s XML metadata file to make sure it‘s correct or if it’s missing necessary information. The XML may not follow the current DDEX standard that we need (ERN 3.8.2 and above).
. To fix XML errors, try these:
Check the XML metadata file you’re delivering follows the DDEX standard (see our Spotify Onboarding Guidelines for more).
Ensure that you are not delivering a metadata update for a product we haven’t received.
Check that the metadata update you’re delivering doesn’t alter the disc structure or tracklist of the product as it exists in our CMS.
Once you’ve verified the above, you can start a re-delivery with all product assets. You can send a metadata update, but only if we have already ingested the product successfully. If you’re still getting XML errors, contact the Content Provider Operations Team. We’ll need full details of the product, the batch, and the error message.
Audio errors:
Audio errors happen when we receive audio assets in a delivery that we can’t process. The audio file may be corrupt or doesn’t follow our audio file specifications (see our Spotify Onboarding Guidelines for more).
To fix audio errors, check that your audio files are:
Free from any defects or corruption
Delivered to our specifications
Once you’ve verified the above, you can start a re-delivery with all product assets. If you’re still getting audio errors, contact the Content Provider Operations team. We’ll need full details of the product, the batch, and the error message.
Image errors:
Image errors happen when we receive image assets in a delivery that we can’t process. The image file may be corrupt or doesn’t follow our image file specifications (see our Spotify Onboarding Guidelines for more).
To fix image errors, check that your image files are:
Free from any defects or corruption
Delivered to our specifications
Once you’ve verified the above, you can start a re-delivery with all product assets. If you’re still getting image errors, contact the Content Provider Operations team. We’ll need full details of the product, the batch, and the error message.
Delivery errors:
Delivery errors happen when we can’t process a batch after we’ve received it on our SFTP delivery servers. The batch may have structural issues. Or there may be formatting errors in the batchcomplete or batch manifest file.
To fix delivery errors, try these:
Check your SFTP logs to confirm successful connection and delivery of the batches onto our delivery servers.
Check the structure of the batch. Make sure it follows the current DDEX standard (see our Spotify Onboarding Guidelines for more).
Check that the format of the batchcomplete or manifest file is accurate, and reflects the products contained in the batch correctly.
Once you can verify the above, try a re-delivery. If you’re still getting delivery errors, contact the Content Provider Operations team. We’ll need the full details of the batch and the error message.