Getting Started with Team Settings
How does it work?
Every member of a team has a permission level for each tool available within Spotify for Music Providers. These permissions are managed by members of your team that are designated admins.
What’s an admin?
You can be an admin for one or many of the tools available within Spotify for Music Providers. Admins can invite new users to the team and onboard them to any of the tools they have admin rights on.
You can see who’s an admin by going to the teams settings page.
Where are team settings?
The team settings page opens as a new tab when you click on “Team Settings” in the drop down menu of the top navigation.

What can admins do?
Inviting new teammates
When you click into an individual team, you will see an invite button on the top right. After filling in some details, you will be able to set permission levels for each tool you are an admin on. You must fill out all required fields in order to send the invitations. Once sent, the recipient will receive one email invite with all of the tools you invited them to use.

Updating user permissions
You can search for a specific teammate’s name on the team page or scroll to find them. Once you find them, open up their user page to view and edit their permissions. As a tool admin, you can update permissions for any tool you administer. To remove a teammate’s access to a tool, you can update their permission levels to “No Access.”

Manage invitations
You can manage invitations that have been sent via the Invites tab at the top. As an Admin, you can revoke an invitation that has been previously sent.

Removing teammate access
An individual will be fully removed from the team if their permission level is set to “No Access” across all the available tools. There is no restriction on inviting this individual back onto the team if needed.

What can non-admins do?
Accepting an invitation
Anyone can be invited to join a team. You will receive your invite in the business email address set by your admin, but you will need to login into your Spotify account to claim the invitation. You will receive one emails with all of the tools you were given access to. This email will send you to a page where you can then accept the invitation. Once you have accepted the invitation, you will be redirected to Spotify for Music Providers.

View your personal permissions
Anyone can go to Team Settings and find their own permission settings. Once you have selected the team to look into, you can find yourself by typing your name in the team members filter or by scrolling to your name. Unless you are an admin on a tool, you will not be able to change your own permission level.

View your team details
Everyone can go to Team Settings and find the permission settings for any teammate. Once you have selected the team to look into, you can find someone by typing their name in the team members filter or by scrolling to their name. Unless you are an admin on a tool, you will not be able to change their permission level.