How do I locate a show or episode URI?
For all successful podcast deliveries on our platform, we issue our unique identifier. A show or episode URI (not to be confused with feed URL).
Once your show/episode is live, you can locate the show/episode URI when you right click on the share menu (located under the three dots on a shows/episodes page):

The URI can be extracted from the open link URL from the client (please note the relation below) example:
Open Spotify Link URL:**show/7\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_v**
Spotify Show URI:
Shortcut: hold down the OPTION (for mac) or CTRL (for windows) key when opening the share menu and clicking the copy show/episode URI button.
Please note that we need the URI for all episodes or shows when you send a support request.