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Consumption Order

For the consumption order according to our specification, there are three modes to choose from:

1.) Recent - The most recent episodes will be placed at the top of a show in an ascending order. This tag is based on the publishing date of the episode.

2.) Episodic - The newest episodes will be placed at the top of a show, in ascending order without specific episodic order.

3.) Serial - The oldest episode will be placed at the top of a show, in descending order. This tag is based on a sequence in chronological order.

Per our delivery specification, the <itunes:type> tag should be stated within the metadata as for example:

<itunes:type> ________ </itunes:type>

With the above metadata setup in the feed, the content should display as intended. Please refer to our delivery specification for more information of supported tagging.

We do recognize <itunes: order> but this tag sets the specific placement for an episode and will be dominant if present so if this type of tagging is used, this may cause show order issues.

Pro Tip: This tag follows computation logic which may affect your show’s episode order also.

If you are experiencing issues around this function on the client, please contact AVOD Ops and we will take a deeper look.