Sending an Update
You can send Updates to previously delivered products by using the same Primary ID and Additional IDs as the original delivery. We support
Full Updates with metadata, audio and cover art files
Metadata Update with metadata file
Asset Updates with metadata file and cover art or audio files
When updating the metadata, update all the fields with their new information. It’s important to make sure all metadata fields are supplied. If you leave any metadata fields out we will override that data as blank and will not keep the previously delivered metadata.All changes to metadata need to be made in the spreadsheet, as we are unable to make changes for you.Updates to the number of tracks in a product are not permitted. If the structure of a product changes, a delivery under a new Primary ID will need to be sent.You can use Uplink to deliver updates to replace cover artwork, audio files, and/or update metadata.*Disclaimer: Spotify SLG requires 2 business days to process updates.*
Full Updates
Sending a full Update is just like sending a new delivery! You can send Updates to previously delivered products by using the same Primary ID and Additional IDs as the original delivery.You can make the necessary changes to the metadata and create the package with all assets as you would a new delivery.
Metadata Only Update
You can issue a metadata only update to send changes to any field. This can be used for changing metadata fields such as track title or updating the start time/date and/or territories whenever applicable.To deliver a metadata only update, enter all previously delivered metadata into the spreadsheet and leave the Cover Art File and Track Audio File fields blank. It is required to keep the Primary ID and required(*) metadata fields when submitting Metadata only updates. Your delivery folder should only contain the metadata.xlsx file.
Product Type | Product Artwork | Product Title |
Album | Crate Song |
ISRC | Track Audio File | Track Title |
QZSPO2000101 | Happy Song |
Once you have saved your spreadsheet to a directory folder you can begin uploading through Uplink as any other delivery. It is important to make sure the .xlsx file is the only file in the directory folder.

Follow the usual uploading step by selecting the directory with this updated metadata file.
The preview should only show the .xlsx file.

Asset Update
You can issue an asset update to a previous delivery. For example, if you need to replace a cover artwork or audio file from a previous delivery. Enter the new asset file reference in the spreadsheet, keeping all previously delivered metadata the same. Make sure to include the new asset file in the delivery package with the spreadsheet. You won't need to include audio files if you only want to update your cover art. You won't need to include a cover art file if you only want to update your audio files.
Product Type | Product Artwork | Product Title |
Album | NewArtworkFile.jpg | Songs of Crate |
Once you have saved your spreadsheet and assets to a directory folder, you can begin uploading through Uplink as with any other delivery.

Follow the usual uploading steps by selecting the directory with your assets and metadata file. Your preview should only show the metadata file and the new assets you are updating.