Fixing Errors
It's important that your metadata and files are set up correctly. If you have a validation error, we'll need you to fix this before submitting. You can fix your errors by making an update to your spreadsheet and the package. Remember to save any changes in the spreadsheet before Re-Importing your folder.
Cells: The Rows/Columns in your spreadsheet, the error is found. AE13:AG13 means Column AE + AG are incorrect in the 13th row. Field Name: The Header Name Field(s) where your error occurs. Current Information: The information you provided in the Cell. Error Details: Shows what the issue is.

Validation Errors
Validation Error | Field Name | Details |
Must be in format YYYY-MM-DD | Original Release Date | You've incorrectly formatted the Original Release Date. |
Must be 12 alphanumeric characters | ISRC | Correctly formatting ISRC is extremely important. You can see how to do that here. |
At Least One Main Artist Is Required | Main Artist | We need to have at least one Main Artist on your Release and Track. |
Disc and track numbers must be sequential, starting at 1 | Disc & Track Numbers | Each release needs to have the Disc and Track number in order. |
is not a valid ISO country code | Territories | The territory code(s) in your metadata aren't valid. They must be separated by a semicolon (;) (US;CA;MX;AU;NZ). See the full valid list here. |
Must be sequential, starting at 1 | Track Numbers | Each release needs to have the Disc and Track number in order. |
Must match format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 | StartDateTime | Format is incorrect. Must be YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 or YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. Check out our “How to Set Up Release Deals” Guide for more information. |
Must provide both start date and territories | StartDate + Territories Invalid Deal | Start Date Time and Territories are Required unless sending a takedown. Check out our “How to Set Up Release Deals” Guide for more information. |
End Date Time Must be after | StartDateTime + EndDateTime | The End Date Time in your metadata is before your Start Date Time. Check out our “How to Set Up Release Deals” Guide for more information. |
File Not Found | We couldn't find the file you referred to in your spreadsheet. Please make sure the file is in your package and matches the filename in the spreadsheet. If it is in a subfolder, you'll need to format it with the folder name and a '/' e.g. 'foldername/filename.wav' |
Banner Errors
Error Message | Action to Resolve |
Some assets have failed to upload. Retry uploading failed assets individually or all failed assets at once. | Check your internet connection and click the button to Re-Upload Assets. If the problem is still occurring please reach out to us. |
Some products have failed to upload. Retry uploading failed products individually or all failed products at once. | Check your internet connection and click the button to Re-Upload Assets. If the problem is still occurring please reach out to us. |
More than one metadata file found. Please include only 1 metadata.xls file and re-upload. | You've tried to add more than one metadata sheet to your package delivery. At this time we only accept one metadata sheet per delivery. You'll need to remove any additional xlsx files from your package before retrying. |
No metadata file found. Please add a metadata.xls file to the package and re-upload. | We're unable to find your metadata sheet. The metadata sheet has to be in the main folder and not any subfolders. Check that your .xlsx file is in the right location and retry. |
Please upload a valid file package. | Your folder has too many subfolders included in the file package. Create a valid package with only files and folders intended for delivery. Check out our "How to Build a package" Guide for more information |
Please upload a valid file package that includes your metadata spreadsheet and content. | When sending us a delivery, you will need to select the whole folder you wish to deliver instead of selecting individual files. Check out our "How to Build a package" Guide for more information |