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How to Find Spotify URI

A Spotify URI (Uniform Resource Indicator) is a link that you can find in the Share menu of any track, album, or Artist Profile on Spotify. URIs and URLs use the same internal code.



URI: spotify:artist:0RzrCzAYSu5ywiAVc10TT2

Both links share the same ID: 0RzrCzAYSu5ywiAVc10TT2 with different prefixes.

To find Spotify URIs for a release or a profile, follow these steps in the Desktop application (or the web player):

  1. Click to the three dots next to the Artist name/album/track title

  2. Click 'Share' and then you can find 'Copy Spotify URI' using the buttons below:

  3. On Mac: using the

  4. control

  5. or

  6. Option key

  7. When hovering over the share menu

  8. On Windows: using the

  9. Alt key

  10. When hovering over the share menu

You can also find all the URIs for Track, Artist, and album in the Catalog view of Spotify for Music Providers.