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Provider Support
Spotify For Music Providers
Preferred Provider Program
DDEX Onboarding with Spotify
Upgrade DDEX from ERN3 to ERN4.3
Uplink (Upload within Spotify for Music Providers)
Content Relocation
Countdown Pages
Spotify for Music Providers FAQ
Music FAQ
Podcast FAQ
Countdown Pages FAQ
Music Video FAQ
Content & Delivery Guidelines
Music Guidelines
Podcast Guidelines
Music FAQ
Music FAQ
Questions on DDEX
Artwork and Audio Specifications
How to Find Spotify URI
Explicit Content and Parental Warnings
Why hasn’t your new release gone live on release date?
Why's your music still live after you sent a takedown?
You delivered a Takedown and it’s not in Spotify for Music Providers
You want to deliver music as a prerelease or Waterfall release
Your release is not in Spotify for Artists?
Can you deliver music content in Dolby?
Becoming a licensed provider and delivering to Spotify
How do you deliver your content via a Delivery Platform?
Delivery Platform wanting to deliver for a new Provider
How to add/remove SSH Keys from your delivery feed
How do you look for information related to Uplink?
How do you change delivery solutions?
Need help with a Catalog Migration
Bulk delivery of new Inserts to Spotify
Bulk delivery of updates to your catalog
What music genres does Spotify support?
Your music release has the wrong number of tracks
Tracks don’t sound right on Spotify
Cover art doesn’t look right on Spotify
Release doesn't look correct on Spotify
Release is on Spotify but it’s not live in some territories
Delivered an incorrect ISRC?
Additional Artist roles on Classical Music releases
What music releases are eligible for the ‘Latest Release’ section?
My music isn't showing under the 'Albums', 'Singles and EPs', 'Compilations' section of my artist's page.
Why's my music release appearing as ‘Various Artists’ instead of the listed product-level artists?
Artist’s name is wrong, how to correct
Merge Artist pages for duplicate pages
How to delete an Artist page
Why's a track not in the Artist’s Popular section?
Track isn't impacting Monthly Listeners on the Artist Page
Getting Access to Spotify for Artists
Why isn't your music live on Spotify anymore?
How can you upgrade your XML Version to deliver music content?
What if you are having an issue connecting to SFTP drop zone to deliver music content?
How to add/remove SSH Keys from your delivery feed
How do you deliver your content via a Delivery Platform?
What if you're interested in delivering music directly to Spotify via SFTP?
What if you want to rush a music release live ASAP and/or outside of the SLG?
Upload a profile picture to an Artist page?
Can't find an Artist Page in Search
How long does an update take to process
How to add Lyrics
How to check if a release is ok
Delivery Advice for Campaigns
‘Featured Artist’ in a product or track title
Unable to find a release in search
What artist roles are considered for the ‘Credits’ section
Two or more releases grouped together
How does track-linking work?
Will a track’s play count expire if it is taken down and re-uploaded?
Need help with Analytics
Need help with Release Radar
Who can help me with playlisting?
How can you upload Canvas?
Need help with Merch
Query about delivering Spotify XML
How can we deliver a timed release?
How to deliver ISNI?
Release is not appearing in 'Appears On' section
I have a query about compound artists
Need help with wrong artist mapping
Spoken Word Audio guidelines
API Enquiries
Spotify Bulk API Onboarding
Query about Language of Performance Support
Query about concert information
How do you access the Spotify Artist Watchlist?
How to fix Noise Content
Does Spotify accept unfinished version of file (e.g. demo/snippet/teaser)?