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Spotify for Music Providers FAQ
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Countdown Pages FAQ
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Spotify for Music Providers FAQ
Spotify for Music Providers FAQ
Can you still use Spotify Catalog Manager?
How do you get access to Spotify for Music Providers? Who else can get access?
Can’t find a release or an update?
Why does a release look different on Spotify or in S4A?
Why do you see flagged metadata?
Why should you do when your cover art isn’t showing or showing incorrectly?
How far back can you search results in the Deliveries view?
I don't understand how to resolve a specific error, what should I do?
Why are delivery errors not disappearing as I resolve them?
Does the Deliveries view indicate when a product will go live?
My product has had the status Processing for longer than usual, what should I do?
Why do you see a ‘Has errors’ message when the release is available in the Catalog view?
How long does it take for a delivery to appear in Deliveries?
I can only find my Product with the Primary ID
Why's your release not live or is held in review?
How would you know when Spotify unblocks a release after review?
Who can approve the products 'Held In Review'?
Why does the Held In Review banner appear at the product level even after submitting approvals?